sábado, 26 de marzo de 2011

Taller Unidades 1 y 2

Effective Organization Structure Acts As Life Blood of Business
An organization structure is the way in which the tasks and subtasks required to implement a strategy are arranged. The diagrammatical representation of structure could be an organization chart but a chart shows only the 'skeleton'. The 'flesh and blood' that brings to life an organization is the several mechanisms that support the structure. All these cannot be depicted on a chart. But a strategist has to grapple with the complexities of creating the structure, making it work, redesigning when required, and implementing changes that will keep the structure relevant to the needs of the strategies that have to be implemented. Successful strategy formulation does not guarantee successful strategy implementation. Varies among different types & sizes of organizations Organization Structure Organizational structure & the controls that are a part of it affect firm's performance. When the firm's strategy is not matched with the most appropriate structure & controls, performance declines. Specifies the firm's formal reporting relationships, procedures, controls & authority, and decision-making process. Influences how managers work & the decisions resulting from that work. Specifies the work to be done & how to do it given the firm's strategy or strategies. Provides the stability a firm needs to successfully implement its strategies & maintain it's competitive advantages.
Structural Stability: Provides the capacity the firm requires to consistently and Predictably manage its daily work routines. Structural Flexibility: Provides the opportunity to explore competitive possibilities & allocate resources to activities that will shape the competitive advantages of the firm that it will need to be successful in the future.
Structure & Strategy
o Structure dictates how objectives & policies will be established.
o Structure dictates how resources will be allocated.
Matching Structure w/ Strategy Changes in strategy = Changes in structure Basic Forms of Structure
Mainly categorized in five types:
1. Entrepreneurial Structure
2. Functional Structure
3. Divisional Structure
4. Strategic Business Unit Structure (SBU)

A. Categorias lexicales y uso del diccionario.

1. Selecciona un texto relacionado con tu area de interes. Identifica 3 palabras que no conoces.. agrega las abreviaciones.:
  a) Arranged (vt), arreglado
  b) Grapple(v) forcejear
  c) Complexities n(C), complejidad
2. Idea principal del texto (en español)
La  estructura de una organización es la forma en que se dividen, agrupan y coordinan las actividades para lograr los objetivos. Se requiere en la Organización los mecanismos que apoyen la estructura. Se hace necesario rediseñar e implementar los cambios requeridos en la estructura que apoyen a las necesidades de las estrategias que tienen que ser aplicadas. 

3. Categorias lexicales: (2 ejemplos por categoria)
  • Palabras de contenido: Organization, Procedures
  • Palabras de Función: But, in
  • Verbos: Implemented, are
  • Adverbio:  consistently , Predictably
  • Adjetivo: diagrammatical, appropriate
  • Artículo: An, The
  • Preposiciones: Of, to
  • Conjunción: But, that
  • Cognados verdaderos: Structure, strategy
  • cognados Falsos:
  • Sufijo: Successfully, consistently
  • Prefijos: Redesigning
B. Estructura de la oracion: (2 ejemplos)
1) An organization structure is the way in which the tasks and subtasks required to implement a strategy are arranged
Frase nominal
       An organization structure
  1. Nucleo de la frase nominal:  structure
  2. pre modificadores: An organization - post modificadores: no tiene
Frase verbal:
      is the way in which the tasks and subtasks required to implement a strategy are arranged
  1. Nucleo de la frase verbal: is
  2. Tiempo verbal: Presente simple
2) The diagrammatical representation of structure could be an organization chart but a chart shows only the 'skeleton'
Frase nominal
       The diagrammatical representation of structure
Nucleo de la frase nominal:  structure
  1. pre modificadores: The diagrammatical representation of - post modificadores: no tiene
  2. Frase verbal:
      could be an organization chart but a chart shows only the 'skeleton'
  1. Nucleo de la frase verbal: could be
  2. Tiempo verbal: Presente simple

viernes, 18 de marzo de 2011

Unidad 2 - Estructura de la Oracion

Organization Changes    

In any business process outsourcing initiative, some business processes are outsourced and many are kept in house within the organization itself. If not planned and executed properly, the separation and integration of businesses processes cannot work smoothly. First you should make organizational changes to support the outsource relationship with the vendors.
The upper-level management should create four groups within their organization to support smooth functioning of the outsource relationship. By clearly separating the responsibilities of each group and aligning them with common set of goals, organizations can achieve their strategic goals like improved share-older value, increased operational efficiency, reduced time to market, etc.

-  Executive Group

This group consists of executives from the organization and from outsources vendor’s company. Though this group will not involve in daily outsource operational issues, the group members will oversee all other groups formed to successfully manage and execute the outsource relationship. All other groups will report to this group either directly or indirectly.

-  Governance Group

This group is responsible for ensuring contract compliance, performance management, and issue resolution. This group should consist of senior members from organization and outsource vendor to manage the smooth execution of business processes.

Selecciona tres oraciones e indica:
-  Frase nominal, pre y post modificadores y núcleo
-  Frase verbal, núcleo
-  Tiempo verbal de la oración.
S  Some business processes are outsourced and many are kept in house within the organization itself
-       Frase NominalSome business processes
-       Pre modificadores: Some business
-       Nucleo: processes
-       Post modificadores:
-       Frase verbalare outsourced and many are kept in house within the organization itself
-       Nucleo: are
-       Tiempo verbal: Presente Simple

2-   All other groups will report to this group either directly or indirectly.
-       Frase nominalAll other groups
-       Pre modificadores: All other
-       Nucleo: groups
-       Post modificadores:
-       Frase verbalwill report to this group either directly or indirectly
-       Nucleo: will report
-       Tiempo verbal: Futuro Simple

3-   This group is responsible for ensuring contract compliance, performance management, and issue resolution.
-       Frase nominalThis group
-       Pre modificadores: this
-       Nucleo: group
-       Post modificadores:
-    Frase verbalis responsible for ensuring contract compliance, performance management, and issue resolution.
-       Nucleo: is
-       Tiempo verbal: Presente Simple

Busca 2 ejemplos de elementos referenciales
Pronombres demostrativos: this
Conectores: if,

Idea principal: Se debe tener una buena planificación de los procesos, y se deben realizar algunos cambios organizacionales para que se puedan desarrollar sin problemas los procesos de la empresa, y así alcanzar las metas de la misma.

En cualquier iniciativa de tercerización de procesos de una empresa, algunos procesos son tercerizados y otros son dejados dentro de la misma.  Si no se planean y ejecutan apropiadamente, la separación e integración de los procesos no van a poder desarrollarse sin problemas.  Primero debes hacer cambios organizacionales para mantener la relación de tercerización con los contratistas.  
La gerencia de alto nivel debe crear 4 grupos dentro de la organización para mantener sin problemas la relación con los contratistas. Al separar las responsabilidades de cada grupo y dirigirlos hacia los mismos objetivos, las organizaciones pueden alcanzar metas estratégicas como aumento en la eficiencia operacional, reducción en tiempo de mercado, entre otras.

miércoles, 16 de marzo de 2011

Unidad 1 - Uso del Diccionario

BPO Success – Best Practices for Organizational Changes

There is a growing interest in outsourcing among businesses to outsource their business processes, started as a cost saving technique but now business process outsourcing is considered as a strategic initiative for companies to stay competitive in the global market. As the size and complexity of the outsourcing project grows, companies need to manage multiple outsource vendors, success of BPO depends on coordination between different vendors located in different countries and time-zones
Organizations must have an effective organizational structure and governance to maintain successful relationship with the outsource vendors. Having a well drafted outsource contract alone cannot help, it needs resources like training, change management, organizational restructure, governance body, etc to successfully mange the outsource vendor relationship. If the outsource vendor is located in offshore locations then the businesses need to consider issues like time-zone differences, cultural mismatch, etc, in managing the project teams. Only few organizations understand that the hardest work begins only after the outsource contract has been signed. Many organizations underestimate the complexities involved in executing and managing the outsource projects.

Drafted: v. “proyectado, diseñado” (de contenido)
Issues: n.(C) asuntos (de contenido)
Grows: v. “crecer” (de contenido)
Offshore: adj.  “en el exterior” (de contenido)
Mismatch: N(U) “desajuste” (de contenido)

Sustantivos: business, locations
Adjetivos: effective, few
Adverbios: successfully, well
Verbos: is, grows
Conjunciones: but, and
Preposiciones:  between, like
Artículos: an, the
Prefijo: outsource, multiple
Sufijo: complexity, organizational
Cognados falsos:  
Cognados verdaderos: interest, multiple

IDEA PRINCIPAL: La tercerización es una estrategia usada por las empresas actualmente para permanecer competitivos en el mercado global.

Hay un creciente interés en la tercerización entre las compañías para subcontratar (tercerizar) sus procesos de negocios, que comenzó como una técnica para reducir costos, pero ahora la tercerización de los procesos del negocio es considerada como una iniciativa estratégica de las compañías para permanecer competitivos en el mercado global. A medida que crezca el tamaño y la complejidad del proyecto de tercerización, las compañías necesitan manejar múltiples contratistas, el éxito de BPO dependerá de la coordinación entre los diferentes proveedores localizados en diferentes países y zonas horarias.
Las organizaciones (empresas) deben tener una estructura organizacional y una gerencia efectiva para mantener una relación próspera con los contratistas. Tener solo un contrato de  tercerización bien proyectado no ayuda, se necesita recursos como entrenamiento, gestión de cambio, reestructuración organizacional, cuerpo gerencial, entre otras; para administrar exitosamente las relaciones con los contratistas.
Muchas organizaciones subestiman la complejidad que está envuelta en la ejecución y gestión de los proyectos de tercerización. 

sábado, 5 de marzo de 2011

Bienvenidos a mi Blog

Hola Soy Rosa Mendoza, 

Bienvenidos a mi blogMaestria, estamos iniciando nuestra clase de Ingles, la cual considero que será de completo aprendizaje ya que nos iniciamos en herramientas que solo conocia de su existencia...